Home > Catalog > Hydrangeas > Other Hydrangeas > Hydrangea quercifolia Little Honey

Hydrangea quercifolia Little Honey

The Oak-Leaf Hydrangea. This deciduous shrub has large, upright white blossoms that blush as they age. Deep-green foliage takes on bright colours in autumn, turning rich shades of red, bronze and purple. It enjoys rich, cool soil in either sun or light shade. Blooms from June to August.
1.50 (à 10 ans)
1.00/1.20 (à 10 ans)
Shade / Part Shade


In shrubberies, flowering hedges or containers.


In acid, non-chalky soil. Dig a hole three times the size of the root ball. Remove the plant from its container and thoroughly soak the root ball. Half-fill the hole with a mixture of 2/3 acid compost and 1/3 garden soil enriched with manure. Place the plant (not too deeply) in the hole and continue filling around the root ball. Water well after planting.


Add a specialised fertiliser during the spring. At the end of the winter, prune limbs that flowered the previous season. Water frequently while plants are blooming.

Ref. P358
5L pot
Price € TTC: 29.00
Availability: OK